Non-Degree Research Programs
Grants for full-time and part-time PhD students last for 6 months and are valid for all disciplines except clinical medicine and dentistry.
The competition for AY 2026-27 will open at the beginning of September.
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Bulgarian citizens
Doctoral students
English proficiency
Scholarship for 6 months
3-4 grants per year
Non-Degree Research Programs for Doctoral Students
Fulbright Bulgaria gives the opportunity to young researchers in advanced stages of their PhD studies to work in elite universities and institutes in the USA. Candidates from all areas of studies (except clinical medicine and dentistry) are eligible to apply. The program provides funding for 6 months of research. Three or four grants are supported each year.
Candidates are selected at an annual competition. The application deadline is in December, while the research visit itself starts in the next academic year. All interviews with the short-listed candidates are held online. Applicants are informed in advance about the date and time of the interview. Dates and times are fixed.
Eligibility Requirements
Bulgarian citizenship, evidence for enrollment in a PhD program, English language proficiency
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- Applicants must have Bulgarian citizenship. Green card holders and persons with dual (Bulgarian and US) citizenship are ineligible.
- Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree and be enrolled in a full-time or part-time Ph.D. program.
- Evidence of English language proficiency (TOEFL). The test can be submitted after nominations announcement; free vouchers will be available for nominees.
- Applicants should be in sound health.
- Candidates already studying in the U.S. are ineligible for a Fulbright grant.
- Candidates who have resided in the United States for five or more consecutive years during the six-year period preceding the date of application are ineligible for a Fulbright grant.
General Selection Criteria
Application form, three references, diplomas and PhD enrollment
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- Academic credentials,English lalnguage proficiency.
- Significance and feasibility of the proposed research.
- Necessity to undertake the project in the US.
- Plans for popularizing the research findings.
- Adaptability and personal suitability.
- Applicants should be representative and responsible citizens who contribute to a full and fair picture of the culture and civilization of Bulgaria.
- Preference is given to applicants who have not had a prior opportunity for studying in the U.S.
All candidates will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, and sex.
Selection Procedures
The evaluation is carried out by leading specialists in the respective fields
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- Applications are subject to pre-screening.
- Evaluation of study projects is carried out by Fulbright alumni and leading Bulgarian and U.S. scholars in the respective fields.
- Candidates recommended by reviewers are invited for an online interview conducted by a binational nomination committee.
- Nominations are announced in late December.
- Nominees are subject to final approval by the Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB).
Why should you apply
You get funding for your tuition
Qualification opportunities from an elite US university
Educational and cultural exchange
Networking opportunities with top experts in your field of expertise
Excellent career prospects
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Fulbright Visiting Researcher grant cover?
The Grant covers mounthly maintenance according to Institute of International Education estimates for the respective destination. The grant duration is 6 months. The Fulbright Commission covers travel expenses (return flight) and provides health insurance.
How many visiting researcher grants are offered annually?
3-4 grants per year, depending on the budget.
What is my status?
The grantees in this program have the status of “Visting Researchers”. This means that they are not eligible to enroll in courses at their host institutions but can use the libraries and other informational resources, visit open lectures, and especially, work in cooperation with their US academic supervisor.
Is there an exclusive list of US universities the Fulbright program works with?
The Fulbright Commission works with a large number of accredited, high-ranking private and public universities in the U.S.
For information on potential US host universities, you can consult:
How do I receive an invitation from a US university and what should it include?
Write to your US counterparts with a proposition to host you as a Visiting Researcher for the grant period. It is important to emphasize that you are not looking for any funding on the part of the host institution, as you will be financed by your Fulbright grant. It is a good idea to approach US researchers, working in fields closely corresponding to your own research interests.
The invitation letter should be issued by a department or faculty with official letterhead. It should confirm the US university agrees:
- to host the doctoral researcher for the grant period (start and end date quoted)
- to provide access to libraries and sources of information
- to designate an academic supervisor
Is a language test required?
Yes. The level of proficiency is certified by the TOEFL test. It is advisable that the score be above 81 pt. (The test can be submitted after nominations announcement; free vouchers will be available for nominees.)
How do I register referees?
In the online form you will find a section “references” in the top left corner of the menu bar. Please select this section. In “register referees” please enter the e-mail addresses of your three referees and click submit. This will send electronic invitations with links to the online confidential recommendation forms to the e-mail addresses of your referees. Please make sure in advance that they agree to complete your reference. (In the rare case they do not speak English, they can upload both the Bulgarian version of the recommendation and an English translation into the electronic portal.)
Maria Kostova
Program coordinator for scholarship holders from Bulgaria
- 0879164095
- Sofia, 12 Vitosha Blvd
Consultation hours: 14:00 – 16:00, every working day
Other Grants and Scholarships
Scholars and researchers
Five grants are supported every year. Application deadline in December.
Graduate students (MA and PhD)
Funding for one academic year with assisted application. Application deadline: May.
NGO representatives
3-5-month grant for research activities on matters related to civil society.
Grants for mid-career professional on managerial or expert positions. Application deadline: September.
Grant for mathematicians
This grant is available for scholars in the field of Mathematics who acquired their PhD no longer than 10 years ago.