English Teaching Assistantship

With the financial support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation 

America for Bulgaria Logo

U.S. or dual (Bulgarian, European) citizens at the time of application


Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent before the start date of the grant


Applicants may not hold a doctoral degree at the time of application


Applicants must be articulate native English-speakers


Applicants must be in good health


Previous teaching experience, international experience and some level of proficiency in Bulgarian or in another Slavic language are considered an advantage

Fulbright | ABF ETA Program

The program was established in 2006. We have 266 program alumni to date.  

Host institutions

Public high schools with various profiles: foreign language instruction, math& science, arts. Universities. Corporate-sponsored ETA positions in vocational high schools.

Candidates' profile

Candidates with diverse academic and professional backgrounds are welcome to apply. Creativity, flexibility, cultural awareness and teamworking skills are highly valued.


Program goal

Improving the quality of English language instruction in Bulgarian schools by providing access to a native speaker and innovative teaching methods.  


1 ЕТА in Sofia in 2006. Today we welcome 30 teaching assistants annually, located in 25 cities.

This program is administered in the U.S. by the Institute for International Education (IIE). You can send any inquiries concerning your Fulbright ETA application directly to FulbrightStudentAdvisingEUR@iie.org 

Assignment description


Placement at Bulgarian state-funded secondary language schools or universities, based on schools’ needs and grantees’ background and experience


One-week Orientation training in Sofia, starting on September 1st


The school year begins on September 15 and academic year at universities – on October 1st


The teaching load is 14-18 hours per week, working independently or with a Bulgarian co-teacher


Each ETA assignment is unique and details are determined by the host-school


Grantees are encouraged to combine teaching with extracurricular projects and/or educational advising


Fridays are free of teaching or administrative duties. ETAs have 4 days of personal leave


Based on their performance and host-institution feedback, grantees may apply for a one-year grant extension

Country Description

A mountainous country of seven million people located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula, Bulgaria boasts a rich archaeological heritage and vibrant artistic culture, including its unique folk music and dance traditions as well as contemporary literary and performance practices. Thanks to its striking natural landscape, rich agricultural roots, and four-season climate, Bulgaria is an increasingly popular destination for outdoor and culinary tourism.Bulgaria also has a strong ICT and start-up sector, based primarily in Sofia, and some Bulgarian companies have started receiving international recognition for their innovations. 

Bulgaria has a relatively homogenous majority population of Slavic-speakers who traditionally identify as Orthodox Christian; however, the country is also home to Turkish and Roma communities and has a sizeable Muslim population (more than 10%). While Bulgarians are known for their warm hospitality, some communities may not have extensive experience interacting with foreigners.Younger Bulgarians often have solid levels of English-language competence thanks to access to digital and online resources, while older generations, who had limited access to English instruction under communism, may have studied Russian, German or French instead. 

Since the fall of communism in 1989, Bulgaria has been a parliamentary democracy, joining the EU in 2007. Although Bulgaria has one of the lowest standards of living in the EU and struggles with challenges such as emigration/brain-drain and rule-of-law issues, the country has nevertheless generally been politically and economically stable. All applicants are urged to consult the most recent State Department Country Report on Human Rights Practices, which offers the most exhaustive and up-to-date description of political, social and cultural trends in Bulgaria.

Program Description

The Fulbright | America for Bulgaria Foundation ETA program has had a tremendous role in the improvement of the English language instruction in all participating schools, as evidenced by the evaluations of thousands of students and feedback from ETA mentor teachers and school principals. The program also benefits local communities, where ETAs often initiate or are involved in various public service projects such as organizing fundraising activities for charitable causes, starting sports, arts or cookery clubs, giving consultations on college application and serving as judges or coaches for English language competitions. Perhaps the most notable initiative started by Fulbright | America for Bulgaria Foundation ETAs to date is the Bulgarian English Speech Tournament (BEST) Foundation. Finally, the program offers its participants the unique opportunity to acquire invaluable intercultural, professional and life experience and the chance to make genuine impact in their local community. 

Program history

The ETA Program started in 2006 with one ETA based in the capital, Sofia. In each of the following three years there were two Fulbright ETAs teaching in Sofia, Burgas and Plovdiv.

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Since 2010, responding to increasing interest from potential host-schools and thanks to the generous support from the America for Bulgaria Foundation, the ETA Program rapidly expanded and currently oversees 30 English Teaching Assistants placed in 25 cities across Bulgaria. Our partnerships with locally based Bulgarian and international companies allow us to place ETAs at vocational schools in smaller communities, expanding the program’s outreach and impact beyond the large cities. 

Grant benefits

The breakdown of financial benefits is as follows:  

Monthly stipend – $1,000 per month
Travel, relocation, and incidentals allowance – $3,000 

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The breakdown of financial benefits is as follows:  

  • Monthly stipend – $1,000 per month 
  • Round-trip air travel allowance – $2,000 
  • Relocation and incidentals allowance – $1,000 
  • Allowance for independent local study of Bulgarian language – $500 
  • Health benefits (Accident and Sickness Program for Exchanges (ASPE) 
  • 24/7 mental health support from ASPE ASSIST 

 The basic amount of the Fulbright| America for Bulgaria Foundation grant is not increased for accompanying dependents. Housing is provided to grantees by their respective host schools free of charge. Grantees are responsible for covering utility bills. 

The Bulgarian Fulbright Commission also offers training for grantees throughout the year: 

Fulbright ETAs undergo an intensive one-week in-country orientation training in the beginning of September. The training includes intensive Bulgarian language and culture classes; teaching workshops; practical introduction to the Bulgarian educational system; cultural discussions; meetings with U.S. Embassy representatives for consular and safety and security briefings; meetings with partner organizations and sponsors. 

In January the Fulbright Commission hosts a three-day midterm conference for all U.S. grantees to further support them in their role, monitor their progress, discuss challenges and address current issues. 

In June the Fulbright Commission hosts a three-day Wrap-Up Seminar for all U.S. grantees, offering them the opportunity to present their projects and achievements in front of Commission staff, program sponsors and partners, school principals and mentor teachers. 

Corporate sponsors

ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3, Assarel-Medet JSC, Opticoelectron Group JSCo and the Lachezar Tsotsorkov Foundation

Contact us

If you have questions about the program, please contact Iliana Dimitrova, ETA Program Officer, at Idimitrova@fulbright.bg

How to apply

For detailed description, guidelines and submission of an application please visit us.fulbrightonline.org/applicants/getting-started


“It really was a formative experience that I am still so grateful for! One particular thing that I learned was patience and flexibility. Being an ETA was extremely rewarding and extremely challenging – sometimes my planned lessons would flop and other days they would fly – being patient, flexible, adaptable, and open-minded helped me overcome the challenges! My advice is to be open, to engage with as many people in your community and school as you can, and to not fear being uncomfortable – it’s a part of growth.”

Morgan Murphy, Fulbright | ABF ETA in Pleven, 2013-2015

“I’ve always had a special place for speech and debate, personally, and then when I came to Bulgaria, I found out that there was already an organization in place that dealt with speech and debate and rhetoric, so I jumped at that opportunity. It played a big part of my integration process in Montana, and really getting to know the students and the teachers there came through coaching the speech and debate team.”

Reid Furubayashi, Fulbright | ABF ETA in Montana, 2016-17

“Public speaking became simple and natural for me after doing it daily in class and, on occasion, without warning for visiting groups. Also, teaching skills in general, like explaining concepts simply, organizing ideas, or asking good questions, is always useful whether you continue to teach or not.”  

Allison Rice, Fulbright | ABF ETA in Lovech, 2019-2021

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills and qualities are uniquely relevant to success as an ETA in Bulgaria?

Intercultural awareness and curiosity, good communication skills, flexibility and adaptability, ability to accept challenges and differences with an open mind, good planning and organizational skills, goal-setting skills and discipline, self-sufficiency, a genuine desire to help others and serve the community, team-building and team-playing skills will definitely help make your ETA assignment both rewarding and successful.

How are ETAs assigned their placements?

We try to be really good match-makers and give careful consideration to the specific needs of each host-school, the ETA candidate’s academic background, work experience and unique skill set, as well as their personal interests and extracurricular project ideas, as laid out in their application and during their online interview with the Commission. Sometimes, however, there can be additional factors which intervene with this process, such as unforeseen circumstances, personal or otherwise, special medical conditions, last minutes withdrawals by a grantee or a host-institution, and other.

What can ETAs do to prepare for their Fulbright year?

Start following Bulgarian and Balkan region news channels. Start learning Bulgarian. Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social media, read alumni blogs. Think of the best ways to apply your unique skills and experience in support of Bulgarian high school students and your host community. Go to class observations, spend time in a real classroom with teenagers. Make use of the alumni network to ask questions and set realistic expectations. Connect with your mentor teacher. Get familiarized with the guides in the For Grantees section on our website, where you will find plenty of resources for language learning, teaching, links to alumni blogs, visa and travel information, recommended reading lists, cultural tips, and more.

Does Fulbright Bulgaria extend ETA grants past the one-year term, and if so, what is the process to request an extension?

Yes, the Commission is able to offer a limited number of second-year grant extensions every year. At the end of the first school term (Jan-Feb), the Commission sends call for applications  to all ETAs. The final selection is made based on the ETA’s performance so far, feedback from their host-school, as well as the results from the Teacher Evaluation Forms filled out online by students at the end of the Fall term. Candidates capacity to serve as mentors and trainers to the new ETA cohort is also of importance.

What side projects, if any, do ETAs undertake during their Fulbright years?

The ETA grant is awarded for full-time teaching, and for developing of extracurricular activities and projects that benefit the students and the community. These could be leading sports or interests’ clubs with students or community members, volunteering with local organizations, coaching a BEST speech and debate team, leading English tests and college preparation clubs, and many more.

What does it mean to be a teaching assistant? Will I receive guidance and supervision in the classroom?

A teaching assistant may teach independently, or with a co-teacher. They may be responsible for their own lesson planning and lesson content, or they may be required to follow a strict curriculum. While the situation in each host school is unique, each ETA is assigned a mentor teacher, who will support them in their professional and cultural adjustment.

What makes the ETA program in Bulgaria special?

Our ETA program is well established and we are doing our best to improve our program administration every year by actively seeking and implementing feedback from our grantees and alumni. We work with a pool of schools with experience in hosting an ETA, while also trying to onboard at least one new host institution every year. We also partner with a number of organizations from the NGO sector, and this collaboration provides our grantees with unique opportunities for extracurricular work and personal development.

What skills and qualities do ETAs gain during their Fulbright years that have broader applicability to their lives and careers?

We decided to leave our ETA alumni to best answer this question for you. To summarize from their responses below – it seems that adaptability, creativity, confidence, presentation and public speaking, flexibility, cross-cultural communication, self-awareness, teaching and coaching, deep listening, better understanding of the English language, patience, people and time management, resilience, risk-taking, accepting feedback and – last but not least – cooking, are all qualities and skills people gained or improved while on their Fulbright ETA grant in Bulgaria.

“I definitely gained the ability to really think on my feet and adapt to changing circumstances, sometimes coming up with brand new approaches on the fly. Ariel Boomer, ETA in Smolyan, 2012-2013

“I gained confidence in public speaking from managing the classroom! I started off a little uncomfortable, but soon enough there was no time for the discomfort, and I’ve found public speaking easier since.” Mathew Lauer, ETA in Ruse, 2019-2021

“FLEXIBILITY!! I think living in a new environment, especially a culture that doesn’t seem as “hurried” as the US, made me slow down and also be ok when plans didn’t go “as planned.” Also learning how to communicate cross-culturally. This is huge!! Understanding that direct speech, mannerisms, and body language may mean something different in different cultures. For example, I had to adjust to more direct speech that came off as harsh at first because where I grew up, speech is more passive and surrounded in politeness (whether genuine or not). I learned that directness was not meant to be mean or insulting, it was just direct!” Anna Kate Brainerd, ETA in Gabrovo, 2016-2018

“Adaptability — I can quickly improvise, change gears if needed, and roll with stressful situations in a professional setting (and in my life!) based on my experiences in the classroom, coaching BEST, and being placed in unfamiliar cultural situations. Presentation/public speaking skills — my public speaking skills improved SO much, got to practice every day in front of a class and I’m way better at working a room if I’m presenting at work, at a conference, or just in social situations; I went from dreading presenting to actually really enjoying it.” Boris Busov, ETA in Sliven, 2016-2018

“Creativity! I use a lot of my lesson planning skills in my current job and it feels totally effortless since I spent so much time on it as an ETA. Of course intercultural communication is an obvious one as well.” Sara Huzar, ETA in Dimitrovgrad, 2019-2021

“ETAs can learn deep listening. Cross-cultural communication, from my experience, begins with a willingness and ability to listen, a skill that must be honed. Also, you learn resourcefulness, to ask for help, and how to collaborate with and learn from others (teachers, students, and ETAs). How to write a lesson plan and manage teaching time. This came in handy as a graduate teaching instructor. And finally, I personally gained a deeper understanding of the English language (grammar and style) and how spoken and written rhetoric work from having to teach it.” Sarah Craycraft, ETA in Dimitrovgrad, 2013-2015

“Patience!! Whether it’s unruly students, students who think they’re hilarious when they make a certain comment, discussing lessons with other teachers, etc. Also, learning to manage in way that is not authoritarian, but also not as someone who gives in is a huge bonus. Third, public speaking. I used to be somewhat shy, but after Fulbright and teaching in front of 20 classes a week, I became the first person to volunteer for presentations in grad school, which is something that never happened in high school or undergrad. Fourth, I got really good at impersonating fellow cohort members and myself!” Nia Kapitanova, ETA in Plovdiv, 2019-2020.

“I’d say that resilience is a huge one that intersects with more than a few. For me, there was a lot of perspective-shifting and learning to accept (even laugh at) mistakes or failure. Also everything that goes with opening your heart to a new place and embracing perhaps unexpected ways to be part of a community. My entire life is in Bulgaria now, and I’m still learning. Bulgarian language skills certainly haven’t hurt!” Sophia Kleinsasser, ETA in Pleven and Sofia, 2010-2012

“Learning to feel more comfortable trying something new without a paralyzing fear of failure. The experience helped me lead with a much more open mind & to ask questions along the way. Lastly, becoming more dedicated to a spirit of continuous improvement based on feedback. I learned that gathering information on what student interests & identities were before making decisions led to better activities & engagement – instead of imposing my own likes & world views and just staying in my comfort zone.” Maeve Murray, ETA in Pleven, 2012-2013

“I learned how to be flexible and adjust in real time to info as I got it. Also, intercultural communication. (I feel like that’s almost a given, because of the Fulbright program.). And how to cook banitsa . I also found my husband in Bulgaria, but that’s probably not a guarantee. Barbara Arduini, ETA in Plovdiv, 2014-2015

Iliana Dimitrova

Program Officer, ETA Program

0879 341 576
12 Vitosha Blvd., Sofia

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