Prof. Genka Petrova-Tashkova
Deputy Minister of Education and Science
Guenka Petrova is professor at the Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Guenka Petrova defended PhD and DSc degrees in the fields of pharmacoeconomics and pharmaceutical policy from the Medical University in Sofia. She has near 35 years of teaching and research experience in all economic fields of pharmaceuticals in many Central and Eastern European countries. Guest lecturer at the University of Nantes, University of Belgrade and other. Prof. Petrova specializes in health and pharmacoeconomics. She has published over 300 papers in the areas of social and economic aspects of medicines and diseases. Prof. Petrova was serving as a consultant to many international organizations and programs as World health organization, European Agency for Reconstruction etc.
Prof. Petrova is also a founder of a Center of Competence on health analyses at the University. She is also a leader and coordinator in scientific projects funded by Horison 2020; Erasmus+; COST; Bulgarian Fund for Scientific research etc.