Acad.Prof. Nikolay Vitanov
Deputy Minister of Education and Science
Academician Nikolay Vitanov was Vice-Rector of the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski University for Research and Scientific Project Activities (2015-2023), and Deputy Dean (2011-2015) of the Faculty of Physics. He has been a member of the Academic Council of Sofia University since 2011.
His main research interests are in the field of quantum technologies. He has specialized and been an invited as a guest professor at universities in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Finland and Denmark.
Acad. Vitanov has more than 250 publications in prestigious high impact factor journals with nearly 12,000 citations, with a Hirsch index of 52.
In the Stanford World Ranking of Scientists, he is ranked in the top 200 in the field of General Physics. He has led ten European Union Framework Program projects and five major national projects.